Saturday, October 4, 2008

Phantom Pooper

Anyone who reads this probably knows that Jeff & I clean our church & Haleigh's school.
It's normally my job to tackle Crogan Hall (the old church, offices are in there now). What's nice about Crogan Hall is that there is only one set of bathrooms to clean. The bad part is there is a boy or even worse a man, that frequently visits the little boys room and well, uh, POOPS & does NOT FLUSH!!!!!!! There is even a sign that says PLEASE FLUSH. I don't need to add how disgusting this is. I run out of there almost getting sick!! We just don't get paid enough. Who does this?? Also, I should add there isn't any tissue in the toilet. So someone is walking around stinky no doubt!! It isn't very likely I'll catch them in the act-I hope not anyways. This is so gross & I want it to stop!!! So, since this is happening on church grounds, I ask anyone who reads this to join me in prayer that this male cleans up his act-literally.


Sharon said...

Why did you get rid of the fall background?

Greg said...


I don't know what disturbs me more--the unflushed toilet or the lack of toilet paper.

I'm guessing this tops receiving bagged vomit from a bridesmaid??

Jennifer said...

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! EW! Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew! That makes me think of when Ashton Kutcher punked Salma Hayek-did any of you see that one?

Sue said...

It def. tops the vomit in the bag! I'm punked everyday it seems.