Thursday, August 21, 2008


In case you haven't done so, mark your calendars, Jack is turning 3 on the 30th of September!! I bring this up mainly because Carolyn called me out of the blue asking about his birthday! Suckers!!! Yeah right. Sharon did, the ever so loyal sibling. Alright. Sharon asked about toys or clothes. Very nice, either one. I mean, these are hard times. People working 2, possibly 3 jobs!!! Over $3 a gallon for gas, more than a buck for eggs. It's times like these we as Americans need to take a stand and order more take-out & delivery. We aren't using our gas & we don't have to go to the grocery store as often hearing: "oh my gosh! is it really that much??" I mean, every time I have to scrub a nasty toilet I think to myself: "when I am done with this gross clorox wipe I'm scrubbing my hands & ordering a steak". Oh, Jack's birthday, see, this is why school just didn't work out for me.
So here is what we would like for Jack's birthday: On September 28th come over in the early afternoon in old clothes with a good pair of gloves & be ready to work. That's right, new swing set time!!! It really is for both Haleigh & Jack but Haleigh said she def. expects presents!! She will be 10 afterall. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Sharon & Pat are 600 miles away, Erin & John will soon be having Baby Gaby, Greg has yet another chore from his Mom or wait, he just has to go to Charlotte!!! Blah blah blah. Buck up people. Did anyone actually think I'd have another child? Come on, it'll be fun putting up a swing set at the end of September. Last year, it was only in the high 80's!!!! Well, even the meanest of teachers & employers have to accept excuses. So, if anyone really can't make it a Wal-mart gift card will do. Try to make it for at least $50 ok? haha. :)


Sharon said...

OKAY. I'm thinking some alcohol was involved in this post. No?

BUCK UP. Ha! People still say that?
Well, if we could be there we would. I'll have to see.

However, you're not meeting my expectations here. Other than a GIFTCARD, any actual gift ideas?

Greg said...

I will most definitely be making the trip up for Jack's bday party this year!! I still feel guilty for not being able to make it last year.

I'll help with the swingset, for sure--but some REAL gift ideas would be VERY helpful!!!