Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So Thankful

My Mom came out of her surgery with flying colors. She answered the phone today (with 2 IV's still in) cheerful despite her pain. She was already asking me to do stuff around her house before she returns-that's the Mom we know & love!
She was terrified about this surgery. She even wrote letters to all the kids in case she didn't make it through. Her recovery will be long and painful but I don't now anyone with her endurance.

So thank you to all for your prayers & thoughts. Mostly thank you God for being there with that doctor and my Mom.


Sharon said...

Great post.
You talked to mom? Send me her #.
I tried Dad on the cell earlier, but no one answered.

I wonder if we'll get those letters. Very curious what they'd say, aren't you? ;)

Mom is one tough cookie. Seriously the strongest person I know.